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서로 스타일이 다르게 번역했으니, 취향대로 선택해 주시기 바랍니다.
In 1653, Hamel, a sailor of East India Company, arrived at Cheju Island of Korea as his ship wrecked by a storm. Korean government rescued him and assigned him to a military camp in charge of defending capital city. Later in 1657 he was transferred to another military camp in province. Hamel could return to his country in 1668 and wrote the famous ‘Hamel’s Journal (Diary of the unfortunate voyage of the yacht Sparrowhawk).
350 years later, in 2002, another Dutch man arrived at Korea. Gus Hidink was officially invited by Korea and became coach of Korean national soccer team. He rewarded to Korea by making his best effort and thus raising Korean team to the World’s 4 th best in the FIFA World Cup Game in the year 2002.
Koreans carved his name in their heart to remember him forever. His name was even attached to the hotel room and restaurant where he stayed. Such a friendly impression of Netherland is suddenly changing. September last year, Dutch government pressured Honduras to arrest Han Ji Soo, a Korean lady on a charge of killing a Dutch girl.
Han, who had been working as a diving lecturer was arrested at airport on her way home and sent to Honduras via Amsterdam. A Dutch diplomat accompanied her all along to Honduras. Dutch government has been influencing court of Honduras to put Han into prison after she was arrested and to sentence guilt against her.
However, even the Dutch diplomats as well as judges of Honduras are well aware that Han is innocent . Han has clear evidence to claim innocence enough to be accepted by anyone who is sane. However, Dutch diplomats seem to stick to her simply because they need a scapegoat. One year before arrest of Han, a girl died at Honduras and the cause of her death was not found.
This case was widely reported at Honduras. . An Australian man (with English nationality also) , suspected of the murder, fled to Australia after an incomplete investigation.. People of Netherlands were angry to know that and Dutch government needed a scapegoat now. Han was the victim.. Han had only provided emergency care for the Dutch lady who was almost dying at the moment as she remembered what to do as a diving lecturer course student for a patient in such a situation.
If she had ignored the unlucky Dutch girl, she would not have encountered such a misfortune. But Han chose to behave honestly to save her and was betrayed by the country of the girl whose life might have been saved by her. Unlike the Australian suspect, Han who was honest moved freely to other countries after the accident. But one day she was suddenly arrested by Interpol at Egypt and imprisoned.
This story was known all over Korea through mass media, provoking anger at unreasonable behavior of Dutch government. Many Koreans are watching this issue and joining campaign to help Han. They regard Wednesday as Han’s day. Han is not a murderer but a savier. <Translation – Hurphist >
1-2> 영어 버전 2 (작성자 @hterrylee )
Netherlands’ Diplomats Scapegoat Young Korean Woman
By Jaeyeul Ko, Dogsul.com
Seoul, South Korea – In 1653, Hendrick Hamel (1630-1692), a crewman of Dutch East India Company, was shipwrecked near Jeju Island, off the southern coast of Korea.
Chosun Dynasty rescued Hamel, and after the investigation, assigned him at a military training camp. Hamel was then transferred to Gangjin, and then to Yeosu, a Naval Base in Jeolla Province in 1657 and 1663, respectably, where he was assigned to duties. He returned to his homeland in 1688, and wrote Hamel’s Journal (Diary of the Unfortunate Voyage of the Yacht Sparrowhawk).
350 years after Hamel, another Dutch arrived in Korea. Not due to a shipwreck, but by invitation from Korea. His name was Guus Hiddink, who became the coach for Korean National Football Team for FIFA World Cup 2002. Hiddink provided his best to the nation, who recognized him. He paid it back by taking Korean team to semi-finals in the World Cup.
Koreans embedded Hiddink on their hearts, wanting to remember him down the history. As if this was not enough, Koreans even embedded Hiddink’s name on a hotel room where he stayed and on a chair of the restaurant where he sat as he dinned.
The Netherlands and its people, who carried friendly impressions, came back to Koreans suddenly as strangers. Last September, the government of Netherlands pressured Honduras Court to redline Jisoo Han, a 25-year-old female, in Interpol’s list, claiming that Han killed Mariska Esmeralda Mast, 24-year-old Dutch woman, who was a backpacker, taking diving lessons in Honduras.
Han, who was working as a diving instructor in Egypt, was arrested at the airport security point on her way back to Korea. She was then transferred to Amsterdam, Netherlands, and then to Honduras. During the transfers, Netherlands’ diplomat accompanied her at all times.
After Han’s transfer, Netherlands pressured Honduras legal system to imprison Han for investigation. Netherlands is also pressuring the court to rule guilty of murder. But Netherlands’ diplomats know, as the Court of Honduras, that Han has clear evidence and she is innocent. Anyone with rightful mind will understand that she is not guilty.
However, despite the facts, Netherlands’ diplomats are trying to charge her of a murder because simply in need of a “scapegoat.”
One year ago, Mariska Esmeralda Mast was found dead under suspicious circumstances, which was widely reported in Netherlands. Daniel Ian Ross, 30-year-old, dual citizen of Australia and England, was the suspect for murder. However, after poor investigation, he fled to Australia. There were public outrage in Netherlands, and this led Netherlands diplomats to search for a scapegoat, Han.
The details have been already proven Han’s innocence, and it will not be repeated. Only crime Han has committed is providing first aid, which she leaned in diving instruction class, to Mast, whom she did not know, just because she couldn’t ignore a dying woman.
If she ignored the tragedy of the stranger, she would not have had to face the misfortune. But she did the right thing, and has been betrayed by the nation, which the citizen’s life she tried to save.
Netherlands’ diplomats made a belated fuss. They pointed tip of blade to Han instead of Australian suspect, Ross. Unlike Ross, who laid low in Australia, where criminal extradition agreement is not signed with Honduras -- Han freely traveled to overseas. And, she was arrested at Egypt by an Interpol, jailed in a foreign land.
The story has been widely covered in Korean media, which has provoked a great anger among general public at tyranny of Dutch’s Foreign Ministry.
Many Koreans are taking Han’s incident as their own. They have started a campaign to always remember Han – designating every Wednesday as “Ji-Soo Han Day,” (because Han’s middle name soo, pronounces same as Wednesday in Korean). Today is Ji-Soo Han’s Day. Koreans are sharing her pain by communicating with Han through her Twitter account @freejisoo.
I think if Dutch Government knew that Koreans are supporting Han, it will help Dutch Government to gain back its rationality. Please do not forget. Han is not a murderer. She was providing help.
Editor’s Note: For more information on Ji-Soo Han, please visit http://www.freejisoo.org/ or follow Han in Twitter, @freejisoo. This column is under free common license. Please feel free to distribute, post, and use.
2> 일본어 버전 (원문 - http://blog.naver.com/masterofgt/10080991367 )
1653年、東インド会社の所属であった商船船員のヘンドリックハーメルは嵐による遭難で朝鮮(韓国)の済州島にたどり着いた。朝鮮政府は彼を救出し、取り調べた後に訓練トカン(兵務などを担当する官庁)に編入さえた。そのあと1657年カンジン(地名)のゼンラ兵栄(県のような区域を担当する部署), 1663年のヨスのゼンラ左水栄(海軍)に配置し、業務を任せた。ハーメルは1668年、オランダに帰国し <ハーメル漂流記>を残した。
しかし、このような状況にもかかわらずオランダの外交官達が彼女を拘束しようとうるのは、ただスケ―プ-ゴ―トが必要からである。1年前、 ホンジュラスで自国の女性が疑問死して、この事件はオランダのディアでも大きく取り上げられた。犯人の容疑者であるオストラリア人の男性(イギリスの国籍も持ってある)は抜けのある捜査をされてから、自分の国に逃げあられた。オランダのメディアは熱く騒ぎ、オランダの外交官たちはスケ―プ-ゴ―トが必要になった。彼らの罠にかかったのがハンさんだった。
今日もその日である。ハンさんとTweeter( @freejisoo )を通じて、話し合い、苦しさを分け合っている。このような事実を知ることがオランダ政府も理性を取り戻すために役立つと考えてある。忘れないでほしい。ハンさんは殺人犯じゃなく、恩人であることを。
[출처] 若い韓国の女性をスケ―プ-ゴ―トにするオランダ外交官達。 한지수 사건.|작성자 유상진
번역문 주소 : http://blog.naver.com/masterofgt/10080991367
네델란드의 친구들에게 전합니다
1653년 동인도 회사 소속 상선 선원이었던 헨드릭 하멜은 폭풍을 만나 배가 난파되어 표류하다 제주도에 도착했다. 조선 조정은 그를 구출해 심문한 후 훈련도감에 편입시켰다. 그뒤 1657년 강진의 전라병영, 1663년 여수의 전라좌수영에 배치시켜 업무를 보게했다. 하멜은 1668년 본국으로 돌아가 <하멜표류기>를 남겼다.
350년 뒤인 2002년 또 한 명의 네델란드인이 한국에 도착했다. 이번에는 표류한 것이 아니었다. 당당히 한국의 초청을 받고 온 그의 이름은 거스 히딩크, 한국 국가대표 축구팀의 감독이 되었다. 자신을 알아준 한국을 위해 히딩크는 최선을 다했고 월드컵 4강으로 보답했다. 한국인들은 그를 영원히 기억하기 위해 그의 이름을 가슴 속에 아로새겼다. 그것만으로 부족했는지 그가 묵었던 호텔방에, 그가 앉았던 레스토랑 자리에 그의 이름을 새기기도 했다.
그랬던 네델란드가, 그렇게 친근했던 네델란드인들이 낯선 이름으로 다가왔다. 지난해 9월 네델란드정부는 온두라스 정부를 압박해 한국인 여성 한지수씨를 인터폴에 적색 수배하게 만들었다. 온두라스에서 자국 여성을 살해했다는 것이었다. 이집트에서 다이빙 강사를 하던 한지수씨는 귀국 길이 공항에서 붙들려 네델란드 암스테르담을 거쳐 온두라스로 소환되었다. 소환 과정에는 네델란드 외교관이 내내 동행했다.
한지수씨가 온두라스에 송환된 이후 네델란드는 온두라스 재판부를 압박해 그녀가 구속 수사를 받게 만들었고 유죄 판결이 나오도록 영향력을 행사하고 있다. 그러나 그 외교관들은온두라스 사법부와 마찬가지로 한지수씨가 무죄인 것을 너무나 잘 알고 있다. 정상적인 사고를 하는 사람이라면 누구나 납듭할 수 있을 만큼 한지수씨의 무죄는 이미 충분히 증명되었다.
그런데도 불구하고 네델란드 외교관들이 그녀를 구속시키려는 이유는 단지 속죄양이 필요하기 때문이다. 그 1년 전, 온두라스에서 자국 여성이 의문사했고 이 사건은 본국 언론에서도 크게 보도되었다. 범인으로 지목되던 호주 남성(영국 이중국적자)은 부실한 수사를 받고 자신의 나라로 도주했다. 본국의 언론은 들끓었고 네델란드 외교관들은 속죄양이 필요했다. 그들의 덫에 걸린 사람이 바로 한지수씨였다
이 내용은 이미 충분히 증명된 것이기에 긴말 하지 않겠다. 한지수씨의 죄라면 죽어가는 네델란드 여성을 모른척할 수 없어 다이빙 강사 수업을 들으면서 배운 응급처치를 한 것 뿐이었다. 그 순간 알지도 못하는 외국 여성의 불행을 못본 척 했다면 그녀에게 불운은 찾아오지 않았을 것이다. 그러나 그녀는 의로운 길을 택했고 자신이 구하려던 여성의 조국으로부터 배신당했다.
뒤늦게 네델란드 외교관들은 호들갑을 떨기 시작했다. 그들은 호주 남성 대신 한지수씨에게 칼 끝을 겨누었다. 범죄인 인도가 되지 않는 호주에 움츠려있던 호주 남성과 달리 아무런 죄가 없던 한지수씨는 자유롭게 해외를 드나들었다. 그런 그녀가 이국 땅 이집트에서 인터폴에 붙잡혀 낯선 이국의 감옥에 수감되었다. 이 사연은 한국의 신문과 방송을 통해 방영되었고 한국 국민들은 네델란드의 ‘외교적 횡포’에 분노하고 있다.
많은 한국인들이 한지수씨의 일을 자기 일처럼 생각하고 있다. 그리고 그녀를 잊지 말자며 매주 수요일을 ‘한지수요일’로 정해 한지수 구명 캠페인을 펼치고 있다. 오늘이 바로 그날이다. 한지수씨와 트위터( @freejisoo )를 통해 소통의 끈을 이어 고통을 함께하고 있다. 이 사실을 안다면 네델란드 정부가 이성을 찾는데 도움이 될 것이라고 생각한다. 잊지 말라. 한지수는 살해범이 아니라 은인이었다.
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